Smokey Quartz Cluster (Medium) 2
Smokey Quartz Cluster (Medium) 2
Chunky Smokey Quartz Cluster For Your Altar Spaces Or To Take With You In Time Of Ceremony.
3.5 Inches Long
2.2 Inches Wide
6 ounces
Smokey Quartz Healing:
Smokey Quartz is one of the most efficient grounding and cleansing stones. This protective stone has a strong link with earth. It blocks geopathic stress, electromagnetic smog, and assists elimination and detoxification at all levels, bringing in a positive vibration to fill the space. Smokey Quartz can be used to protect the earth chakra below the feet or gridded around an area that needs that earth grounding energy. It teaches how to leave behind anything that no longer serves you. A superb antidote to stress and depression. It assist acceptance of the physical body and the sexual nature, enhancing virility and cleansing the base chakra so that passion can flow naturally.
"Lagrimas De Oro Is Energy Adornment Helping People Connect To Themselves Through Spirituality & Self Expression"
Katrina, Creator